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Much love to anyone who found this update. It is truly appreciated!
I have switched to our Facebook as it seemed like more people were accessing this for updates and recommendations.
Much love to anyone who found this update. It is truly appreciated!
What if the Decemberists wrote an album where no one was raped and murdered by haunted sailors?
This was awhile ago!
Grizzly Bear :: Everyone I Know (B-side Demo)
Loving the delicacy of this song.
Hootie-hoo! Hootie-hoo!
John Lee Hooker - “The Waterfront”. One of my all-time favorite slow songs. I used to put this on mixes followed by the obviously indebted Jeff Buckley cover of “Satisfied Mind”.
This film, “Dogtooth”, is heavy, but this scene is most excellent.
Amadou & Mariam :: Sabali
This song is my new jam. I have long been a fan of Amadou & Mariam (“the blind couple from Mali”). Then one of my favorites, Manu Chao, produced their last album. Lo and behold, the next album was produced by one of my other favorite musicians, Damon Albarn (of ‘Gorillaz’, “The Good, Bad and the Queen’, 'Blur’, etc.).
I would love, love, love to work with either of them and look forward to hearing their projects for years to come.
I like this band. Mutual Benefit.
Process. Process. Process.
Jean-Luc Godard filming the Rolling Stones devising “Sympathy for the Devil” in the studio.
Still love Kanye. This is from an interview with him talking to director Steve McQueen (‘Hunger’, 'Shame’, '12 Years a Slave’).
“Let’s Ruin it with Babies”, a film
I have no idea what this is really about, but it is set in San Francisco and has an awesome title and a playful song.
Vampire Weekend :: Step
“The punks would laugh when they saw us together but they didn’t know how to dress for the weather”
I had never been a huge Vampire Weekend, but their 2013 album, “Modern Vampires of the City” had phenomenal songwriting. “Obvious Bicycle”, “Step”, “Ya Hey”, “Hannah Hunt”, “Everlasting Arms”, “Unbelievers” and even the art-50s rock of “Diane Young”. That is a lot of excellent songs on one album.
Jeff Buckley : "Mama You’ve Been on my Mind" (Bob Dylan cover)
I don’t know how I didn’t know this existed in the world, but it’s simply beautiful. One of my favorite voices covering one of my favorite Dylan songs.
I have been sick a bit lately which has allowed me to watch a bunch of movies (“The Kings of Summer” has a terrific soundtrack) and read a bit. One of the best thing I read was a full retrospective of Outkast’s career. I have long been a huge Outkast fan and consider “Aquemini” to be one of my top favorite albums ever.
This makes me happy now and I need happy.
“Some days you get up and put the horn to your chops and it sounds pretty good and you win. Some days you try and nothing works and the horn wins. This goes on and on and then you die and the horn wins.”